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With Peter’s personal awakening...

developed his commitment to social responsibility, and with that came criticism of social and justice issues; racism, war, sexism, homophobia, human rights, prison, poverty and homelessness.
One of the unfortunate results of Peter’s critical work as been a systemic and punitive response by Corrections officials. He had been placed in isolation on false charges of murder, as well as been fed less than 500 calories a day for 3 separate 12 week periods, medical treatment has been denied, his political art is subjected to an illegal censorship board. He had been labelled anti-authoritarian with an anger problem for his use of the complaint and court redress systems to resolve problems. In 2010 CSC was found guilty of failing to accommodate his disability and the recklessly causing him pain and suffering. Two weeks after the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, CSC withdrew their support for Peter’s parole and subsequently fired him from his job as Peer Counsellor.
In spite of the negative impacts and reprisals associated with speaking out, Peter remained diligent in his approach and positive in his state of mind.
Art continued to be the touchstone Peter relied upon, to capture moments in time and sharing it with others. His realistic, intricate and detail oriented art explored the depths of our world’s beauty and misery. Using watercolours, acrylics, pastel and pen and ink, he produced impressive critical and socially aware works of art.
Peter died, August 13th, 2015, from complications due to the cancer (bladder and bone), but his art and words continue to contribute to the discussion of justice and humanity in the world today.